st. matthew’s

In 2018 Giroscope acquired the former St. Matthew’s church situated on the corner of Boulevard and Anlaby Road.

The building had been empty for over seven years and was facing an uncertain future.

Giroscope considered that the building was an important community asset and needed saving.  It was connected to the community in many ways and local residents had fond memories of weddings, christenings, and other ceremonies and events at the building.  The former church is also home to significant war memorials acknowledging the considerable losses that the community suffered in the Great War.

Giroscope has already reinstated the War Memorial window into the western elevation of the building, one of its key heritage assets, along with the broached tower.  Our plan is to renovate the building, working alongside Hull City Council’s conservation team.  As well as returning the old church to its former glory, Giroscope plan to install work and office spaces into a mezzanine floor constructed into each aisle.

As well as these physical developments and works, Giroscope will work with new and existing enterprises in the community to create employment and opportunity in our neighbourhood.  Many of these start-ups, community businesses, social enterprises and sole traders will take up space in the former church.

We would encourage people to come and visit the building, both now and during the planned works to witness this exciting project unfold.  We are always happy to show people around.

The St. Matthew’s Enterprise Project, is a Community Led Local Development Project. CLLD activity is funded through European Structural and Investment Funds

As this project develops, Giroscope will be procuring contractors to execute different aspects of the renovation works. Active procurement and tender notices will be displayed through links below, with past notices listed in plain type. Please read our Procurement Policy here.

Architectural Design and Project Management (Item 13) Closed 6th August 2020

Structural Engineering Consultant Services (Item 14) Closed 22nd December 2020

Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Consultant Services (Item 15) Closed 22nd December 2020

Windows (Item 5) Closed 29th January 2021

Invitation to Tender for the Design, Supply and Installation of Underfloor Heating System. Closed March 2022