To assist in the provision of affordable housing accommodation for persons in conditions of need, poverty or distress on terms appropriate to their means
The relief of unemployment for the benefit of the public in such ways as may be thought fit
Whilst built around the foundation of Self-Help Housing and seeking to provide affordable housing in our local area for over thirty years, our projects now extend more broadly into the community from our base in Coltman St., west Hull. These projects are currently funded to a significant extent by CLLD.
We also have a project specifically designed for young people aged between 18 and 25: Young People Into Catering and Hospitality here
Via these projects we look to both extend and widen our community based ethos into other areas as we further our aim to regenerate and renovate west Hull, improving life opportunities, and then enhancing employment options for the community through our volunteer and training programmes.
Below are some of the major projects in which we are involved – all within our home neighbourhood.